- solution
- priority
- queue
- toDo
Define a minimal Java EBNF grammar via "java.code.verify" and antlr.
- toDo
For source code translations name resolution is required in order to support some, basic Java class etc. like Stream.
- toDo
Consider donating to JavaParser if this works in the end as intended.
- toDo
Create Grammar.
- toDo
Check only files, which are not part of the bootstrapping implementation.
- idea
- toDo
Remove dependency injection and only have basic configuration via static immutable variables in order to simplify code for translation.
- toDo
Create an project to reintroduce dependency injection after the translation project is working.
- toDo
Create a translator that translates the program to Dlang, because Dlang is very similar to Java und allows functional side effect free programming.
- toDo
Create a way to automatically generate the skeleton of environment integration code.
- toDo
Translate Dem to a Lisp langauge.
- toDo
Translate an actual project to a Lisp langauge.
- toDo
Remove reflection code.
- toDo
Generic configuration class can be implemented via a tree/stack of config class and thereby removing the need for type mapping.
- toDo
Let Gel's table columns just use one common type in order to omit downcasting.
- toDo
Split code into bootstrapping code and normal code. Bootstrapping code contains Java or external dependency specific code. Normal code has no Java or other external dependencies with exception to specific external interfaces. The amount of external dependencies should be minimized and be kept as simple as possible. Minimize boostrapping code size.
- toDo
Replace assertj with reasoning system based on Bool.
- unscheduled
- toDo
Learn OCaml.
- objective
Ensure that a software project's dependencies like language, framework and platforms are easily replaceable. The replacement can be automatic or manual.
- solution
Ensure that the software project is valid and only uses certain features, that makes it easy to migrate the project.
- toDo
Standardize usage of Java feature by defining a subset of valid Java grammar and checking it.
- toDo
Use different Grammar for Dem and subsequent projects, because Dem is the base for subsequent projects, which should have higher restriction.
- toDo
Only some parts of Dem should use a different/unrestricted part. This part should only be the Java-specific code.
- toDo
Ensure that the code is easily translatable to other languages with minimal effort and manual work.
- idea
- idea
Support different paradigms.
- toDo
Object-Orientation mainly provides polymorphic tree transformations. Dlang seems to be a good choice.
- todo
Support a very simple and basic version of functional programming with an simple statically typed object system. The object system, which is kind of an OOP-System only provides state interfaces. The functions define the state transitions of the objects.
- idea
Support different type of data processing (i.e. typed versus not typed, boxed versus primitive or objects versus values. See
- quote
for inspiration.
- objective
Always translate code to other language automatically and test it, in order to be sure that the code is portable.
- toDo
Create a translator which translate other projects to a different language. The translator only has to translate projects complying with this project (compatibility and portability).
- result
This would allow to check additional properties of the program before running it.