Generic Allocation No-Code Editor

This is a form where data and files can be entered. When you submit this form, the data and files are uploaded to the server in order to process your request and to provide the requested functionality. The request, the uploaded data and files are temporarily stored for maintenance purposes.

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Define and solve assignment problems.

This editor allows one to define an assignment problem and to let it solve by the Generic Allocator. Please, define the problem definition and enter the data for demands and supplies in CSV format. After executing the optimizer via the Calculate solution button, the solution will be visible under the tab Solution.

The no-code editor was created, in order to provide a language to define optimization problems for non-technical users. This editor avoids, that users can make syntax errors. It also provides a discoverable GUI option, that informs the users, what can or should be done next in order work on the optimization problem. It is also an experiment to provide a GUI access to complex and configurable things interactively in general.

The conceptional documentation is provided here . This editor has the same base model as  the general editor  and therefore provides the same functionality, with a different interface.

    1. d:toDo
      1. Import supplies and demands from local file via Tabulator.

    2. d:toDo
      1. Edit supply and demand data via Tabulator for a better use experience.

    3. d:toDo
      1. Export and import data from Excel format.