- [ ] Link relevant site like: https://www.minizinc.org/
- [ ] Document, that this is the main feature how interoperability for optimization is supported.
- [ ] This is also the main effort to support of modelling optimization problems as CSPs.
- [ ] Optimize problems given FlatZinc format.
- [ ] Delegate optimization by emitting problem in FlatZinc format and optimize it via a solver, that supports FlatZinc.
- [ ] Use FlatZinc in order to solve sub problems present in the constraint based repairer.
- [ ] Start competition agains other Java optimizer via Mini/FlatZinc. -> Choco Solver as main competitor
- https://choco-solver.org/docs/considerations/
- https://github.com/chocoteam/choco-parsers/blob/master/MINIZINC.md
- [ ] Make Gel compatible to MiniZinc.
- [ ] Find benchmarking software for MiniZinc: https://github.com/MiniZinc/mzn-bench
- [ ] Do some benchmarking.
- [ ] Take part in public challenges: https://www.minizinc.org/challenge2022/results2022.html
- [ ] Create permanent interaction with MiniZinc.