Translate/translate core code to other languages

Task Description

The core code should be translated to other programming languages, in order to keep the code portable and compatible to a wide range of programming paradigms. The goal of being compatible of many programming paradigms, is to support as many valid concerns regarding the code's property as possible.

This may be a service task in the future, that ensures, that this property is adhered to.


  • [ ] Create basis for Translation. Use JavaParser for translation only instead of the Java grammer, in order to support some standard Java things/classes/method via name resolution without creating own wrapper interfaces and objects.
  • [ ] Translate to Dlang, as this is a different language, but has much in common with Java.
  • [ ] Translate to C, as this is a procedural language without OOP support.
  • [ ] Translate to Rust, in order to introduce lifetime management of side effects.
  • [ ] Translate to OCaml, in order to support side effect freedom, if possible.