Publish public website source code
  • [ ] Establish Cell API first.
  • [ ] Make this ticket nice and note the difference to
  • [ ] This repo is used in order to publish the website's source code:

In #14 the server code is published. Now the layout and some other basic stuff is missing, in order to render the public version of the website.

  • [x] Layout
  • [x] Style
  • [x] Declare licensing info to
    • [x] Choose preferred licence of the files. Consider the special situation of images in this context. Maybe create a dedicated repo for binary files? -> Use EPL 2.0 for now, because some parts of network subproject explicitly link to files in this repo. EPL 2.0 can be used for software documentation. Thereby, EPL 2.0 is the easiest licence, because in this case no new licence is added to the projects.
  • [x] RenderingValidatorForHtmlLinks shows many invalid links. net.splitcells.martins.avots.distro does not have such many errors. -> This was mainly caused by the file search.html in the detailed menu. The link was removed.
  • [ ] Move all documents of personal website to a new public repo.
    • [ ] Check and copy all files.
    • [ ] Render static version via net.splitcells.martins.avots.distro.
    • [ ] Analyse the licences of all website resources located in public repos, in order to prevent surprises.
    • [ ] Require licence information on all files.
  • [ ] Generate licence information overview for all website documents dynamically.
    • [ ] Create an error, if a file does not have licence info.
  • [ ] Create public repo for personal site. -> net.splitcells.martins.avots.distro is this repo.
    • [x] Create net.splitcells.martins.avots.distro.
    • [ ] Choose licence for its texts.
    • [ ] Choose licence for its images and consider the consequences (i.e. in Germany).
  • [ ] Ensure, that all license meta data is present.

Completed Tasks

  • [x] Make it possible to render a minimal website with just repo. -> This is not important for this ticket.
    • [ ] Parameterize image location via an XML file provided at environment of layout.xsl's execution.
    • [x] Allow rendering without background images.
      • [x] This site is rendered at https://localhost:8447/net/splitcells/website/bare-minimal/* and controlled via variable in the layout.xsl.
      • [x] variable was problem in error. Maybe this should be removed again? -> Do not use for now.
        • [o] Every menu's content needs to be determined via documents at certain locations, instead of hard coding this into the layout, in order to avoid duplicate layouts. Do this via files provided to the XSL transformer, instead of adding this information to every document, because this is currently the easiest way and migration to other better ways should be easy enough.
  • [x] Make bare-minimal version viable. -> This is not important for this ticket.
    • [o] Test website with document https://localhost:8447/net/splitcells/website/bare-minimal/net/splitcells/website/empty.html
    • [o] Most files are missing.
    • [o] Create build with zero linking errors.
    • [o] Create link to this version in default layout for easier testing.
    • [o] Provide way to define alternative main index page.
    • [o] Create manual for rendering minimal website.

Future Ideas

  • [ ] Create a dynamic page, that has links to all relevant website versions. This could be done, by creating an aspect for projects renderers.