Establish Cell API
  • Issue number: #42

Task Description

Only the net.splitcells.dem.environment.Cell API should be used, in order to manage and combine Dem#process and Dem#serve configurations.

This way, configs are handled declaratively. This simplifies and partially avoids handling dependencies between configs and prioritizes creating useful defaults for complex configs, in order to lessen the need for custom configs.

At the end, this avoids creating complex configurations by chaining multiple config functions by hand. Lately, this has proven to be not working and created severe configuration costs.


  • [ ] Extract Cell API tasks from the issue "Create game based on optimization networks".
    • [o] Isolate Cin Dem#process from currently main Dem#process, in order to isolate data. -> The service option CinSerive was used instead.
      • [o] Create
        • [o] Its main purposes is to connect multiple Dem#process.
        • [o] Provides single point of entry for HTTP requests. -> This was done via ObjectsRenderer instead.
    • [ ] Define service builder interface in order to run and coordinate multiple Dem processes.
      • [o] Move this task to dedicated ticket, as this is a big task, with its own distinct goals. Link from this ticket to this new ticket instead.
      • [x] Discourage starting program via Dem process with a given runnable, because such a program definition is not declarative and therefore combining multiple services or module into one is harder. -> This is not needed because Dem#process and Dem#serve are both equally valid use cases..
        • [x] Deprecate such Dem#process and create a copy with a longer name, in order to discourage its use. Note, that such a method is needed for non-service things, like executing a test. -> Dem#process is needed in order to calculate something with a given config. So it is not deprecated.
      • [ ] Enable all services etc. of a module via one single point of entry like a method, where no extra arguments are required for the service to be working with a sane configuration. Maybe a general module class/interface is needed.
        • [x] Create entrypoint base. -> The interface net.splitcells.dem.environment.Cell is the basis for this.
        • [x] Make entrypoint base an option as well, as it is otherwise hard to declare dependencies between instances of such entry points.
        • [x] Provide file system via cells by default.
        • [x] Provide configurations for all modules and thereby understand all requirements.
          • [x] New properties should be not be added to interface directly, but should be added via the Cell#accept dynamically. For one, we want to avoid bloating the Cell interface. Furthermore, a mechanism is required whereby the values of the new properties can be replaced. For instance, a filesystem associated with a cell is a file system based on class resources by default. When a developer wants to edit the data of the filesystem, it would be efficient, if the developer could edit the source files and test the edit without an application restart. -> This is documented.
          • [x] Provide a FileSystemView for every Cell by default.
          • [x] Create Cell version of WebsiteViaJar. -> It is called
            • [x] ServerService does not start correctly.
              • [x] Does not open port. server.listen(); has no effect, although the server config seems to be correct. -> This was caused by a hidden error.
            • [x] Add all configs and resources to SystemCell.
          • [x] Deprecate original WebsiteViaJar.
        • [X] Visualize cell dependencies, as otherwise, there will problems of understanding in the future. This was also the case for handling configs via config functions.
          • [o] Provide way for cells to optionally declare their option dependencies. The dependency order will not be enforced yet. -> It is enough for now, that the init system records the dependencies, as it will not be enforced by now.
          • [X] Visualize dependencies between cells as graph like, but dynamically.
            • [x] Create dependency recorder option. -> It is named DependencyRecording.
            • [x] Render dependency recorder option.
            • [x] Record Configuration#withConfigValue.
            • [X] Record Environment#withCell.
            • [x] Record Configuration#withInitedOption. Is this really needed or is this covered via Configuration#withConfigValue? --> Yes
            • [x] Add mermaid.min.js to website instead of linking it at an external CDN server.
        • [ ] CURRENT Create Cell based launcher at net.splitcells.martins.avots.distro.LiveDistroCell and when it works remove net.splitcells.martins.avots.distro.LiveDistro.
          • [ ] First move all Distro* code into *Cell classes, so that cell Distro* do not exist and provide non-static wrappers, so that these can be used in the Consumer of Environment#withCell(Class, Consumer).
            • [x] ->
            • [x] ->
            • [ ] ->
            • [ ] net.splitcells.martins.avots.distro.Distro -> net.splitcells.martins.avots.distro.DistroCell
          • [ ] Replace main methods, that do not initialize the cell via non Cell methods.
            • [ ]
            • [ ]
            • [ ]
            • [ ] net.splitcells.martins.avots.distro.DistroCell
          • [ ] Remove static methods inside cells for process configuration.
            • [ ]
            • [ ]
            • [ ]
            • [ ] net.splitcells.martins.avots.distro.DistroCell
            • [ ] Deploy on live server.
    • [ ] Create launcher class for execution or configuration of the game.
      • [ ] Create proof of concept launcher class at, in order to ease the start.
      • [ ] Create proof of concept launcher class at net.splitcells.martins.avots.distro, in order to ease the start. -> The class CinDevDistro is used for that.
      • [ ] Only use web server as resource option.
        • [ ] See GelDev#configureForWebserver.
      • [ ] Clean up existing configs.
        • [ ] What is used for?
        • [ ] Consider net.splitcells.cin.WorldService, which contains former working code.
        • [ ] Consider net.splitcells.martins.avots.distro.DevDistro, which contains currently working code.
      • [ ] Use GelDev as basis.
      • [ ] Do not block web server start via game.
  • [ ] This is needed for the issue "Publish public website source code".
  • [ ] Remove configuration code of any other way.
  • [ ] Webserver instance should be contained inside Dem#value as a service and by default be limited to given set of instances. Otherwise, webserver instances cannot be configured, created and run declaratively. This makes working with these essential resources unnecessary hard. For instance, replacing or adapting the webserver becomes harder.