Weekly deploy static website.
  • Issue number: #35


  • Execute net.splitcells.martins.avots.website.deploy.diff.
    • Fix warnings during static web server rendering.


  • [ ] The status The number of invalid links is historically improving. seems to be incorrect.
  • [ ] Do not allow static website deployment with invalid links.
  • [ ] Invalid links are incorrectly counted. See https://splitcells.net/net/splitcells/website/server/project/validator/RenderingValidatorForHtmlLinks/build/splitcells-XPS-15-9570.csv.html

Completed Tasks

  • [x] Fix the warning: Expecting at most 1 meta data entries but found 2 instead: [Optional[index.html], Optional[index.html]]
    • [x] Fix warning instances.
    • [x] Make this an error.
    • [x] Ensure, that big part of website rendering is tested at daily Codeberg CI via SystemCellTest. -> Integration tests do not seem to be executed, which is needed. -> The integration test is enabled in Codeberg CI.
  • [x] The upload is not being done via net.splitcells.martins.avots.website.deploy.diff The reason is unknown.
    • [x] It seems to that ./bin/serve.to.folder does not write files to cd ~/connections/net.splitcells.upload anymore. This seems to be caused by mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass='net.splitcells.website.martins.avots.StaticFileServer'.
      • [x] System.err is not flushed and can hide the printed stack trace, because of the system exit right after the stack trace print. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a exception and therefore stack trace being present.
      • [o] Debug RenderingValidatorForHtmlLinks#endReport -> This was caused by the runner inside HostUtilizationRecorder, where an exception in this thread caused a none zero exit code.
  • [x] Invalid-Link-Counter page, has old history file: https://splitcells.net/net/splitcells/website/server/project/validator/RenderingValidatorForHtmlLinks/build/splitcells-XPS-15-9570.csv.html
    • [x] Check the last CSV entry is new enough. Otherwise, create a status warning exactly for this.
  • [x] Speed up RenderingValidatorForHtmlLinks by caching ProjectsRenderer#projectsPaths(). -> The cache already exists.
    • [o] Refresh cache, when invalid links was found and recheck.
    • [o] Check valid links, by rendering it internally.
  • [x] Full and differential deployment does not always seem to update already uploaded files See https://splitcells.net/net/splitcells/network/community/blog/articles/2024-04-14-assertj-considered-unfit.html It seems to affect HTML pages, but not files like *.js (see https://splitcells.net/net/splitcells/gel/ui/no/code/editor/lib.js). The reason seams to be, that bin/serve.to.folder does not server most HTML documents, that are based on XML or CommonMark documents. -> The reason for that was a file name, that started with a whitespace, which was rejected by the server. This caused bin/serve.to.folder fail and thereby the rest of bin/deploy.diff to upload incomplete data, because the Java program's return code was always 0. This was adjusted, so that net.splitcells.website.martins.avots.StaticFileServer exits with the return code 1, if the server aborted serving the files to the folder.