Weekly maintain live server.
  • Issue: https://codeberg.org/splitcells-net/net.splitcells.network.community/issues/8


  • The server is publicly available at http://live.splitcells.net
  • Update server.
    • Restart server, in order to ensure, that every process uses the newest packages.
  • Update deployed software.
  • Improve deployment and its processes.
  • Test security
  • Test privacy policy

Open Tasks

  • [ ] Automatic upgrade did not work, also the automatic update/upgrade task was running.
  • [ ] Upgrade major version when available.
  • [ ] Pull source code from Codeberg instead of GitHub.
  • [ ] Create and user generic worker.execute command, in order to make things portable regarding the infrastructure.
    • [ ] Deploy server software as systemd user service.
      • [x] Create user service.
      • [x] Make user service reachable via network.
      • [x] Start user service on server start automatically.
      • [ ] Build image during build command and execute image during execute command with net.splitcells.network/bin/worker.execute, instead of net.splitcells.network.worker/bin/worker.execute. Currently, the build command builds the Java part and the execute command builds the container image.
        • [x] Merge worker.execute.* commands into one worker.execute command.
          • [x] worker.execute is command with file storage.
            • [x] Use more descriptive names for $1 amd $2.
          • [x] worker.program is command without file storage.
          • [x] worker.service is command to execute command in detached mode.
        • [ ] Add parameter to worker.execute in order to build a project at the current folder in a standardized way.
          • [ ] Consolidate worker.repo.build.
        • [ ] Create flag for worker.execute command, in order to execute program based on files created via worker.build.
        • [ ] Create flag in order to execute program as a persisten service.
    • [ ] Delete obsolete net.splitcells.network.worker repo.
    • [ ] Use this command for existing test deployment commands as well. This tests whether this new command is portable or not.
      • [ ] deploy.build.at
      • [ ] deploy.test.extensively.at
    • [ ] Build everything via mvn clean install at net.splitcells.network.hub.
  • [ ] Automatically and continuously check, if the SSL certificate for HTTPS is still valid and replace it automatically.
  • [ ] Automatically restart server after update installation.
  • [ ] apt upgrade packages are seemingly not installed by unattended-upgrades. This is required for Linux kernel updates.
  • [ ] Make default file storage locations more sane regarding Linux home folder standard.
    • [ ] Migrate files on live server accordingly.
  • [ ] Manage upgrading major OS versions.
  • [ ] The corresponding systemd service should only store logs up to 7 days.
  • [ ] Make private setup script public, in order to have a basis for default setup script for a server.
  • [ ] Run Forgejo Runner via Podman in order to not require root rights for Forgejo Runner: https://code.forgejo.org/forgejo/runner/src/branch/main/scripts/systemd.md
  • [ ] Execute runtime profiling for long-running instances and store these, in order to improve day to day performance via Grafana and Pyroscope.
  • [ ] Do not log already logged message, in order to simplify logs on live server.

Done Tasks

  • [x] Make unattended-upgrades work.
  • [x] Do not require loginctl enable-linger in order to run Podman container without ssh session, in order to ensure, that all programs of ssh sessions are closed. -> The container is now run via a systemd user service and therefore loginctl enable-linger is not needed anymore.
  • [x] Create double checking for every config step. -> Check description is present in config script.