Weekly update dependencies
  • Issue number: #10

Task Description

Ensure, that the dependencies of all program code (i.e. Java) is up to date.


  • Update net.splitcells.network.bom via net.splitcells.network.shell and bin/repos.dependencies.update.
  • Monthly update net.splitcells.network.distro.java.acme.


  • [ ] Keep playwright version in network BOM and network execute in syn, by parsing the BOM's version in the network execute command, in order to set the version in the POM template.
  • [ ] Some worker commands are not real worker commands.
    • [ ] worker.repos.pull
    • [ ] worker.repos.push
    • [ ] worker.repos.status
  • [x] Retry splitting bom project into a bom base and a bom log project, as it may be easier, than one thinks. An optional build check could check, if the update did its job completely in the bom log therefore completely fix the code duplication issue.
    • [x] Create net.splitcells.network.bom.base project as a duplicate of net.splitcells.network.bom.
    • [x] Transform net.splitcells.network.bom into the bom log repo, that updates net.splitcells.network.bom.base and has net.splitcells.network.bom.base as a dependency.
    • [x] Test the split.
    • [x] Update README.
    • [x] Remove Eclipse dependencies, as Eclipse is not suitable for this project.
  • [ ] Create profile, that updates dependencies.
  • [ ] Create automatic command via https://www.mojohaus.org/versions/versions-maven-plugin/index.html,
  • [ ] Rename net.splitcells.network.bom to net.splitcells.dem.bom, in order to correctly show subproject interdependencies. with a very specific commit message, that can be used, in order to easily filter such commits.

Done Tasks

  • [x] Create command for all weekly tasks, that can be automated or semi-automated. -> repos.dependencies.update is used for now.
    • [x] Check dependency update status via mci -Dare-dependencies-up-to-date=true. -> test.extensive is used for that.
  • [x] Note why net.splitcells.network.bom is not split into net.splitcells.network.bom and net.splitcells.network.bom.base.
    • [x] Hard to update BOM of BOM automatically and without human error.
    • [x] The BOM repo has not that many dependencies yet and therefore not that many commits.
  • [o] Split net.splitcells.network.bom into net.splitcells.network.bom and net.splitcells.network.bom.base. The latter only has commits regarding, why a dependency is used or not. The former is only used to update the versions of the latter and thereby avoid mixing processing data and real source code. -> Split is not done, as it makes things harder and the split is not needed for now.